
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend Memories

We went camping this weekend! First trip of the season and we saw all kinds of weather to make it interesting. Luckily on Friday it waited until after dinner to down pour. The sound of rain hitting a tent is one of my favorite sounds - it's so calming. Our little $40 tent held up so well. Bosley had a hard time drying his fur and ended up having a panic attack after breakfast. The temp was in the 90s all day Saturday too, so for Bosley's sake, it was a really good thing that I had a party to go to. We were only camping a few miles out of town so I dropped him off at home while I was at my friend Abby's bridal shower.

Abby and I met in college. We were both in the Athletic Training program, and in our senior year we were both placed with football team. This meant a year of long hours in the training room, her comforting me through my first airplane flight, and being drunk for ten days straight in Tampa. I've got tons of memories with this girl but we lost touch after graduation. Well, it turns out she met and fell in love with one of Erik's friends from high school. Small world!

I've been on a semi-homemade / personalized gift kick lately so I wanted to do something cute for her. I took two hand towels that she registered for and wrapped them around some bottles of wine and tied them with a bow.

I think they were a hit, but it turns out several people got them wine. I can't wait for the wedding in July!

Went back out camping on Saturday and Bosley is currently boycotting going outside. I think he's done for awhile. I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

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